Saturday, July 8, 2017

By Anthony Rivers. In Afrikan religion and in many other primary religious formulations, it is the spiritual-emotional needs of the people within the culture that are served. At the same time the values of the culture are sanctioned, and the mechanisms for its continuance are sacralized.  Spiritual/philosophical conceptions such as ancestor communion, which help to explain the universe as a spiritual whole in which all life and being are periodically regenerated, give the Afrikan an emotional security and confidence that the European lacks.

Non European religions were not fashioned for worldwide acceptance nor for international propaganda. There is no superficial, merely rhetorical, component of these religions. Both European and "non-European" religions serve the ideological needs of the cultures in question as defined by their members. The radical difference between them issues from the differences in the two sets of ideology: One is based on the pursuit of world dominance, the other seek to use the forces of universe to ensure a harmonious existence.

Dr. Marimba Ani ~ Yurugu

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